But what about pancakes?
Try them!
First prepare the yeast. Take something like 20 g of yeast, put a teaspoon of sugar, two drops of water (two is enough!) and mix well. The yeast will become liquid. Then leave in some warm place until it grows 2-3 fingers up.
250 g of milk
2 eggs
some sugar, some salt (a bit more than usually)
250 g flour
Mix eggs with sugar and salt. Warm the milk - it does not need to be boiling hot. Put some flour, add some milk, some flour then some milk.. It must be quite liquid - lightly harder than dough for crepes.

Serve with some cherry jam.. or raspberry! Or mix some blueberry jam with créme fraiche.. Enjoy!
Recipe, text and photos by Egle aka Mosgos
Support and inspiration by Ana Bossa aka Murtiga
mmm looks so delicious!!!
ReplyDeleteThey look awesome! And so cute and tiny!
ReplyDeleteYou must have a sweet little frying pan :)
A must try!!!