My day
starts when my two sons decide to wake up. As it is always at the same time I don’t even turn on my alarm. As we live in a house with garden, after giving them
breakfast, I usually have a cup of coffee sitting on the porch. I like to feel
the chill of the morning in my face. It awakens my senses.
It is
usually the father who drives the babies to school. When I say goodbye to them
at the gate, then yes, my workday as crafter begins. But first: breakfast. I
make a toast, a cup of cold milk, or fresh orange juice from our trees, and I
sit in our little kitchen to plan the day. At that moment the silence invades
the home, I also take the opportunity to read the papers, see the emails and
answer questions submitted by customers and suppliers.
I’m a “morning
worker”, so I try to do as much as possible during these time when I’m feeling a
burst of energy and creativity.
My studio
is in the attic. It's good in summer but in winter it is very cold, so when I'm
working I need a blanket in my legs to feel comfortable.
I love this
workspace. It has light and space.
I tend to
be pretty disorganized when I start a piece. But when I end something, I need to
tide everything. I only feel the willingness to start a new project when
everything is organized.
In between,
I take another coffee with my husband, who is also a scriptwriter and works
from home. We talk about the news, about work, about the children and what
we're having for dinner. Working from home requires a lot of discipline. It is
easy to mix work with domestic affairs, and sometimes I find myself hanging
clothes on the rope between a sticht.
At lunchtime, I usually answer
emails. I publish some pictures on my blog and on my Facebook page. That helps
me to feel that I’m not alone, and at the same time, to hear from people who
like what I do.
On sunny
days, I try to take a walk on the beach. It is, for me, a privilege of living near Arrábida.

I try to
organize myself for not working after 18h, but usually after dinner and when
the house is silent again, with my cat on my legs, and the by the fireplace, I answer
some emails, read my favourite blogs, write, or look to online fabric shops. One
of my worst vices.
I am very
grateful with what I have and about my life.
You can
visit A Pega-Rabuda here:
Loved to read this! TY :)