Roaming through... Porto

There are in all cities something familiar, something already known, at least because we've already seen some photos of it. There is also in all cities, including our own, something unknown, not only because every day is new and the city’s life is renewed itself with the days, but because we sometimes cross the city without looking deeply into the depth of its streets and angles.

Today we will travel through Porto. Yes, already well known. But I will not write about of the fabulous Ponte D. Luís, or Casa de Serralves, neither about Palácio da Bolsa nor Torre dos Clérigos, I will not write about S. Bento train station nor the modern Casa da Música, nor the historic Igreja de S. Francisco. I will not stop neither at the Majestic Café, despite willing to drink a good coffee there. I’m going to walk through the less known Porto. Do you want to come with me?

Porto, little to be said, it is necessary to visit it, to croos its streets and to meet its people, to see their buildings facades made from granite, its colourful doors and windows and of course the old iron balconies. 

Street with balconies
Street with balconies
What I like most in Porto are the people, always generous, genuine, cheerful and friendly.

About the city itself, I like the mystery of its soul. In every corner, particularly in areas near the river, our eyes can be lost in multiple directions. The ones I like the most are the unexpected, discreet, silent ones. 

The old town is a giant puzzle of stone and granite. Made of stone is also the soft and gentle smile of the "Naked Girl" statue from the master Henrique Moreira, who sculpted Amelia Monteiro Magalhães: the model from whom I heard many stories when I studied at the so-called School of Fine Arts in Porto. She, despite being blind at age 43 is still there watching the ones who walk through Avenida dos Aliados. We can only see her smile if we look above us.

The artistic life of Porto is brilliant and there are countless artists who studied here and still live in this fantastic town. 
The beauty of Porto is often shrouded in mist silver, which creates in us an instinctive will to find out the mystery that seems to be permanently on the city. The fog surrounds the streets, the facades and roofs that are often crowned with balconies and beautiful sights. It is really worth walking through Porto in foggy days.

One of the wonders of Porto and of the North of Portugal in general is the cuisine. It's good to get in stores that seem to have stopped in time and to find inside flavors so well appreciated nowadays.

Porto is a vibrant city, full of history and tradition and a modern and intense cultural life. There's always poetry, music, entertainment, outdoor cafes, bars and beaches nearby.

We realize better Porto’s beauty and its magnificence when we are on the other side of the river. Douro’s riverside in Vila Nova de Gaia, in addition to the Port wine cellars are embellished with terrace cafes and playgrounds, and from there we can view the cascade of houses stretching up the river to the mouth, as Rui Veloso sings.

Being there, we always want to come again, to go through those narrow streets and to be surprised by something new. 

View from Gaia
View from Gaia
Photos and text by Galeria Varte.


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